Monday, May 4, 2009

Making Eye Masks

Well, I've been working on making eye masks that you can use with ice packs or lavender eye pillows (which I'm also about to make and try to sell). I love lavender eye masks and use them a lot when I can't sleep- they are the only thing that helps me get to sleep besides sleeping drugs and I often try them before taking a pill and wake up hours later refreshed.

It's a little tricky - figuring out how to make something that will fit a number of different sized heads (mine is quite large) and how to make it look nice. Here is my third attempt - I am figuring out the do's and dont's as I go along.

I plan to make some masks with coordinating lavender eye masks. They are quite comfortable! I gave one to a friend who gets migraines a lot and he uses it for ice packs - he says he loves it, so that's good.

Here's this one- more to come.

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